The best advice I learned early in my hospitality industry career was to seek out positive role models and take the time to learn from them. The action suggested was to uncover the best of the best, spend time with them and be open to learning from them. This idea is not a short cut to success. However, the lessons learned will make the journey more effective.
- Who is the best salesperson in your organization or industry?
- Who is the best prospector?
- Who is the best negotiator?
- Who is the best manager?
- Who is the best leader?
Your challenge this week is to invite this person to coffee or lunch. Be prepared with specific questions that will enable you to gather useful tips on what has helped them achieve success.
If you want to be the best…learn from and model the behaviors of the best!
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Mark Twain