This is a time of great opportunity as many want to continue in our industry and are exploring how to take charge of their own career. Below is a post by Seth Godin ( regarding a freelancer’s dilemma. What he shares speaks directly to all my counterparts who are considering being an independent professional in the hospitality industry.
A Freelancer’s Dilemma
What do you own?
What are you really good at?
What do you enjoy?
Engaging with the marketplace requires creating value for people who have a choice. And deciding what to offer your customers is your choice. If you own something (a patent, a building, a process, a set of relationships), you can create more value than if you simply start over with new work each time. If you are really good at something, having amassed skills and a reputation, it’s more likely that you will earn the benefit of the doubt and more easily create value. And if you focus on being on the hook for work you actually enjoy, your days are better and it’s easier to do great work.
The freelancer’s dilemma is to figure out what to say instead of, “you can pick anyone, and I am anyone.” And the entrepreneur’s job is to build enough assets that each transaction gets much easier and more profitable. It begins by being clear about what you own, what you’re good at and what gives you satisfaction.
Please see the link below to this post and many more of Seth’s great posts.
We all “own” relationships as Seth describes them. If you are looking for a new direction and want to put your relationships to work by starting a business, let me know. I have helped over 100 people make the transition from employee to owning a business that enables their ideal lifestyle and would enjoy the opportunity to do the same for you.
Let’s talk!